First Responders
When Esther Dunn finished her 1970 history of Webster, there were no First Responders… just a smallish police force for the town and organized groups of volunteer firemen in Webster, West Webster, and Union Hill. After September 11, 2001, the term came into common use to include police, fire, ambulance, and sometimes military support personnel responding to emergencies.
The 1970s were the beginning of a 45-year period of enormous growth for the town of Webster due to general population mobility, Xerox expansion, and the Bay Bridge completion. The First Responder services that protect its citizens grew right along with it. This section of the updated History of Webster, NY is a small tribute to the First Responders we depend on in so many ways.
It is worth noting that our First Responders, whether volunteer or paid, often supplement their service’s annual budget by fundraising and grant-writing, while often reaching into their own pockets and giving up their free time to provide the kind of service they feel their town’s citizens deserve.
For this, they deserve our deepest gratitude and support.